January 2013
At the end of last year 2012, I made an error on line 12 of the cosmic clock based on criticism, condemnation and judgment, actually I saw that sat in my consciousness from all this incarnation, so the opportunity to make that mistake publicly and my Guru could show the error and discipline, along with Padma Sambhava, has been a wonderful opportunity for me, Praise God. Thanks Mother Father.
For almost a month, I found myself in shock, not quite knowing what had happened or how or what was the lesson and learning.
Then the night of Christmas Eve on December 24, 2012, when I retired to the room after dinner. I asked the Master Jesus, show me my error and its causes and how to correct and heal their bases.
Instantly the Master Jesus showed me clearly spectacular for me, where settled that error and its base: He showed as criticism, condemnation and judgment are recorded as bad-qualification line 12 Power of God, and as when a person, as a child of God does not feel that there is a way to "power" to solve something, ie not feel you have the power to deal with or work something out with someone, comes the bad qualification of the Power of God in this child of God in the form of criticism, etc ... I'm not talking about the use of the CCJ for dark for to hurt, as indeed do the fallen angels and his followers, but this was the error´s basis in me, that encouraged those energies in me and understand that in many sons and daughters of God.
For me it was an intense healing. I always thought that the misuse of power were tyrannical attitudes, but that night I could see why in the line of the Power of God are the evil-skills of criticism, condemnation and judgment for me ..
Now I understand why people, sons and daughters of God, when they are unable to or believe that there not is a path or a way to achieve the ability to cope, act or resolve a situation with someone, fall easily into criticism, condemnation and judgment. This is very evident in our world, where humanity speaks of rulers or powerful, not feeling able or empowered to bring its capacity to serve all or feel that you can not change the system or those who manage it, and is falls into delusion and forget the Power of God and call upon God and his Masters and arises criticism, condemnation and judgment, but no roads of resolution because it is believed that there are not.
But not is real believe that there is no way loving, wise and powerful to solve any problem, indeed the power of God is in all of his children, is an aspect of the threefold flame of every son and daughter of God and always there is a path of Power, "can", there are solution, if it is assumed the Divine Power with Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, that shines in our heart and flows from our God Presence, who we really are.
Jesus showed me clearly that I had assumed that I had no Divine Power or way or way for to resolve this situation and that I had taken it in many other things in my life, but the line 12 teach us always exist the Power with Love. Now I have to integrate it into my life completely in every moment and situation. Thank God, Mother and Father. Reflecting more with the help of Teachers, I have seen other implications of the cosmic clock lines. I could see that as my Alfa is called Purity on line 6 and Purity is linked with Hope, in many ways in my life, the dark forces and my mistakes took me to hopelessness and this has been strong in my life, Praise God, now I can see, thanks Archeia Hope. If you do not feel the Hope 6, you do not see the Power of God is always present and victorious despite appearances of this world. And, as line 12 Capricorn of Divine Power and 6 Cancer of Harmony, Purity and Divine Hope are complement, if you do not integrate some aspect of the 6 deforms also the quality of the 12.
I have seen great gifts of God, in this month, helping me not fall into self-condemnation, a strong energy in line 6, has captured me all this incarnation and I was already about to drop, an energy that takes you away from Purity as your daughter-or makes you lose God and the Divine Hope. So in this incarnation I've felt my self-condemnation and by extension about others, seeing me away of hope Divine or lack Divine Power in the problems of my life.
I have also received a small gift (or large, Praise God) miracles for me, that have been developed, when I do invocations on behalf of I AM THAT I AM, and I could see clearly.
¡And great support I have received from God this year!, God to give me a home without morgage of bank, and my husband has shared with me the posesion of the house, and everything has flowed easily and in a timely manner. And other gifts have been given to me at this time.
But most important, is one aspect of the clock lines of the qualities of God that I knew that I not knew or had built was the line 10 Scorpio, the Immaculate Concept and now I'm starting to develop, I have seen this connect with Line 6 of Harmony, Hope and Purity, and line 2 of the Divine Master, in a trine. Without Hope does not flow the Divine Vision 10, you can not see the Immaculate Conception and without Hope you does not feel what is not yet physically, or the flow line 2 Divine Mastery Pisces, because this lack of line 6 Cancer Hope and Vision Divine, line 10 Scorpio, you just leading to doubt and fear, which are ill-qualifications of the Divine Mastery 2.
Besides the lack of line 10 Scorpio, it blocking the Divine Love, is the line 1 Aquarius, and Divine Gratitude line 7 Leo and Taurus divine obedience line 4, in a large square. My flame Omega is Divine Gratitude, If you not feel the Divine Hope 6 you see nothing to be thankful in the line 7 Leo, although in truth we have to give thanking God every moment! and I neither could flourish my Gratitude flame, and now I see the Truth and to release these errors I have been able to begin to expand. This expands the true Divine Love and Divine Obedience.
For Astrology I know, that my line 6 Divine Purity, Hope Cancer aspecting out of balance with the Divine Control line 3 Aries, this also affects the Divine Power in line 12. So the chaos is an important key, which also feeds on the lack of Divine Power, there are no choice but to lose his temper when one does not believe "Power" and sees no way for the Hope or Divine Truth.
Another important aspect conflicting for me is line 8 of Divine Justice, Virgo that complements the Divine Mastery 2 Pisces, Gemini 5 Divine Wisdom and Divine Victory 11 Sagittarius. Since I had to work on this issue in the 2012 and better understand and understand that there is Divine Justice, who works at the time and that his judgment is about so much injustice that can be felt on Earth.
And that softened me, when Divine Wisdom came to my aid, for understand the law, about the Judgment of the Ruby Ray in these wonderful teachings of the Ascended Masters and I realized that exist the Divine Justice 8 Virgo together with the Divine Master 2 Pisces, free from doubts and fears, that complement both the clock, allowing that the darkness to be released and transmuted in everything and everyone. And this is a big Win in my Being, understand and integrate these Truths. ! Praise God.
I have also seen that as the line of Divine Justice 8 Virgo does trine with Divine Power in Capricorn 12, if you do not feel the power of God at all also you believe that there is no Divine Justice and vice versa and can reveal against the face of Obedience Divine in line 4 of Taurus, not understanding or live or feel the Power of God is always present and always Integra Divine Justice.
But until I understood the process and the qualities of Divine Hope line 6 for integrate into Divine Power line 12, I not have seen as integrated Divine Justice and Divine Control, which are the issues that arise in me in response improperly when I not understand line 6 and 12.
Thank you Father-Mother God. Now, to work, for integrate all this in my life daily
So far for now my thoughts and inspirations. Make it a great integration of the Light of God for me and for others.
I hope to be helpful to others.
With Love
Maria Jesus